Pregnant by the Good Guy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 32140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 161(@200wpm)___ 129(@250wpm)___ 107(@300wpm)

Mari is everything pure and innocent in the world. She's kind, sweet, and smart, but she is also meek, scared, and in need of someone to take care of her. The thing is, once I find out her secrets, her heartbreaking life, I not only want to protect her, I want to breed her, bind her to me not only in deed but also in life. My good girl needs me, not just to show her she is worthy of love, but to show her what is hidden inside of her and saved only for me. I am going to take this shy beautiful girl and turn her into my filthy possession, one orgasm at a time.

All my life all I have known is violence and degradation. I grew up thinking it was normal. Thinking that this is what love is. When I get the courage to change my situation, I am proud of myself for doing it. I have a path for my life, one that could get me out of this town, even if it doesn't take me to college. The one bright spot has always been Royce, the only good guy I have ever known. He's sweet, protective, and gorgeous. His voice, geesh, makes a girl blush. But a guy like him is going somewhere and I should stay away. Then one crazy turned fantastic night, changes everything and forces me to make yet another hard decision. I didn't realize I needed him until he told me I was his forever and changed me, one orgasm at a time.

*************FULL BOOK START HERE*************




He is staring at me, and it is making me dizzy and that is the last thing I need, especially if I want to get these drinks to the table without having an accident. “He is staring at you like you are a rare steak, hun. Tell again why you haven’t given that man a meal?” Roxy, the older waitress asks me. My face heats up knowing she noticed it, but I simply put my head down.

“Roxy, stop it,” I whisper and try to finish what I was doing. I cannot afford to make a mistake.

I started working at this bar two months ago. It's not my first choice but it was the only place in this small town where everyone knows your business that would hire me without looking at me like the daughter of the town whore.

My mother, Riel, used to be beautiful. She was lively, vibrant and young once. In truth she is still young, but you wouldn’t know it. She had me at sixteen years old and due to her claim she didn’t know who the father was, my grandfather who was a pastor gave her an ultimatum, marry a man of his choosing so she didn’t shame the family or be kicked out with nothing. Of course she chose marriage. This was a secret I have always known as the man who helped raise me, if you could call it that, never missed an opportunity to remind me I was another man’s bastard.

My younger years I remember nothing but being a kid. My mother was an only child, so my grandparents doted on me. I remember pink frilly dresses and birthday parties and trips and anything a little kid could want. I had no idea what was happening around me. It wasn’t until I turned ten and both of my grandparents were no longer with us that the roses were removed from my eyes.

I walked in from school one day to see him slap her onto the floor and kick her in the stomach. I would later learn she was four months pregnant but lost the baby. That was his plan. He wanted no more children after me. Hell I’m pretty sure he didn’t want me but wasn’t given a choice. He was a drunk, an evil one and he didn’t care who was around if you were in his path, you were his target.

The first time he hit me I was twelve and my mom was gone. He walked in from who knows where and I guess he expected food to be waiting for him. I had no idea about any of that, so when I walked past him to go to my room, he reached out, grabbed me by my hair and flung me across the room. My back hit the corner of the coffee table. I cried out in pain, not even sure I could walk, dragging myself across the floor. My mom came in, saw the situation and flew into a rage at him. She scratched him, screamed at him never to touch me again and threatened to call the police. He punched her in the face, called her a bitch and walked out the door.


